The Story of Rolando Club

What do you want to be famous for?

Rolando Club will not make your dream come true, sorry but this is your job. But we dress you and equip you second to none.

Not for everybody, just for you

The story of Rolando Club started with the motivation to offer something not everybody can have. 

Rolando Club is the fashion & luxury club which issues exclusive and limited things only. The good things in life, the must haves, and what your friends, your boss, your neighbour will never have.

Champagne Saber? Really? WTF

Opening a bottle of champagne in the most glamorous and elegant way is to use a saber. Yes, a saber. The tradition, historians say, goes back to Napoleon. The Saber Icon NFT is a tribute to a confident way of living, self-confident, but also self-made.

True luxury is doing want you want. Being yourself. Individual. Not like everyone. For people who have this mindset, the champagne saber brand Rolando Club has created a collection of phigital (= physical & digital) assets.

With these, you will set yourself apart from the boring rest.

Are you ready?

Sign up know. Membership seats are limited.